Web Dev Simplified Blog

NaN - Not A Problem

October 5, 2020

If you have you ever written a program that parses the value of a number input by using parseInt or parseFloat, then you have run into the infamous NaN value. This value is really weird and behaves differently than pretty much any other value in JavaScript, so in this article I will breakdown all the weirdness around NaN.

What Is NaN?

NaN stands for Not-A-Number and is JavaScript’s way of representing the result of an operation that should return a number but cannot since there is no real number to represent it. This may sound really confusing, so let’s look at a simple example.

parseFloat("Some String")

Both of the above function calls will return NaN since a string without numbers cannot be converted to any meaningful number. Most other programming languages would throw an error in this case, but JavaScript simply returns NaN.

Some other ways that NaN is returned are as follows.

  1. Math that cannot return a real number
    • Math.sqrt(-1)
  2. Any math that involves a string (besides + since that will concatenate strings)
    • "string" * 7
  3. Any operation that has NaN in it
    • NaN * 3

How To Check For NaN

By far the most complicated thing about NaN is how you check for NaN. If you want to check to see if a value is NaN your first thought would be to do the following.

NaN == NaN
// or
NaN === NaN

Unfortunately, this does not work since these equality checks will return false. This is because NaN will always return false when compared to any other value, even another NaN.

This is where the biggest confusion with NaN comes about. Instead of using a normal equality check you need to use the function isNaN to check if a variable is NaN.


This function will properly return true, or false depending on if variable is NaN or not.

Type Coercion Shenanigans

If this wasn’t already confusing enough, there is a second form of the isNaN function called Number.isNaN. These functions work nearly identically to each other, but they handle type coercion differently.

The normal isNaN function will return true if the variable passed to it is NaN or if the variable will be NaN after it is coerced into a number. This means that isNaN("string") and isNaN(NaN) will both return true.

Number.isNaN on the other hand does not do any coercion and will only return true if the value passed to it is NaN. This means that Number.isNaN("string") will return false, while Number.isNaN(NaN) will return true.


Overall NaN is fairly confusing since it is never equal to anything. This makes for some tricky bugs to track down if you are not aware of how NaN is handled. If you ever need to check for NaN make sure to use the isNaN function instead.